Wallace began his service in the Maine District of Massachusetts militia with Captain Reuben Dyar’s 6th company from Narraguagus and Colonel Benjamin Foster’s 6th regiment from Lincoln County.
On July 11, 1776, he was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in Gouldsborough and marched to Machias on alarms, serving there when British ships lay in the harbor, including the second Battle of Machias in August 1777. On September 27, 1777, he joined the detachment called out by Lieutenant Colonel Campbell in defense of state stores on board the Merrisheete (Merry Sheet) vessel from Boston, bound to garrison at Machias.
He again led a detachment under Lieutenant John Bohannan belonging to Colonel Foster’s Lincoln County regiment for a week in December 1778 and joined Captain Joseph Wallis’s company in the 6th Lincoln County regiment of Massachusetts Militia. Lieutenant Wallace died after 1810 in Harrington, Maine. He traced his descent from the family of Sir William Wallace, Scotland’s greatest hero.