On September 11 and 12, 1782, a large American Indian force, under the direction of British renegade, Simon Girty, attacked Fort Henry.

The fort was under the command of Colonel David Shepherd. Inside the fort were approximately 40 men and boys, along with 60 women and children, including Betty.

During the second siege, called “The Last Battle of the Revolution,” Colonel Shepherd found his powder supply exhausted. The nearest source was more than a hundred yards away in the cabin of Ebenezer Zane. American Indians and British spies were on the alert on all sides of the fort with arrows and rifles. Betty stepped forward with the simple assertion, “I will go,” and convinced the men that she was the logical volunteer. Young and fleet of foot, she was strong enough to carry an ample supply of powder. Betty successfully made the trip to her brother’s cabin, poured as much powder as she could carry into her apron, and sped back to the fort.

Betty rendered service in the capacity of ammunition bearer. Her Ancestor Number is #A130537.

Betty married twice. Her first husband was Ephraim McLaughlin and her second husband was Jacob Clark. Betty’s children were Minerva Zane; Mary Ann, Sarah Nancy, Rebecca and Hannah McLaughlin; Ebenezer and Catherine Clark.

Betty died around 1828 at St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio, and is buried at the Walnut Grove Pioneer Cemetery.