Archibald Artis
Patriot of Color Archibald Artis offers a particularly special window into the world of Revolutionary...
Joseph Brown
Despite enslaved status before and during the Revolutionary War, Joseph Brown’s life path showed the...
Jack Congo
The course of the life of Jack Congo (alternatively, Congo Jack) showed how the relationship...
Nicholas Cusick
Investigating certain Patriots of Color sometimes reveals a great irony in history—that very prominent people,...
Andrew Ferguson
The contribution of Patriots such as Andrew Ferguson reflected the distinct ways that certain independent...
Mary Hemings
At times in American history the lives of “ordinary” individuals may become complicated and magnified...
James Nickens
When considering the origins of Revolutionary Patriots of Color, the early lives of multiethnic soldiers...
Samuel Sutphin
Samuel Sutphin’s illustrious military career participating in the Revolutionary War was one that demonstrated the...
Sigby Talbot
The story of Sigby Talbot, an enslaved Black man owned by American Revolutionary War officer...
Drury Walden
Perhaps surprisingly, there were Patriots of Color who enlisted in the American Revolutionary War as...
Henry Williams & Easter Giles
Compared to other Patriots of Color, the lives of Henry Williams and his wife, Easter...
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Quisque hendrerit varius orci, eget vestibulum sapien dictum quis. Nullam ac dignissim magna. Proin feugiat tellus at luctus molestie. Aliquam et justo sed libero sagittis dictum. Ut sodales auctor tristique. Maecenas aliquet vestibulum urna euismod aliquet. Duis felis ipsum, vestibulum at eleifend quis, commodo ac nisi. Morbi lobortis lacus in quam suscipit fringilla. Fusce at commodo nisl, eget dignissim tortor. Curabitur justo ex, venenatis in nibh et, sollicitudin posuere enim. Quisque turpis nisi, posuere volutpat risus quis, imperdiet finibus leo.